Ben Blanco


Spotify: What’s up with random songs not playing?

Spotify America

I recently signed up for a premium account with Spotify. Overall, I’ve enjoyed the service so far. However, now that I’m a paying customer I’m pissed off that some tracks won’t play. No, I’m not talking about the tracks that aren’t licensed to play in the United States. Spotify usually provides an alert when that happens. Rather, I’m referring to those songs that simply don’t play at all and no reason is given.

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WordPress: Multiple Single.php Template Files

WordPress Graphic for Multiple Single.php Template Files

I recently ran into an issue on a WordPress project that required multiple variations of the “single.php” template file based on a blog category. Unfortunately, there isn’t any built in support for multiple “single.php” template files like there are for categories. As a result, the quickest workaround is to convert your “single.php” into a PHP If Statement.

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Internet Comment Policies of Indianapolis Major Media Outlets

Anonymous Comments

Over the years I’ve noticed a growing trend, particularly on news based websites, of Internet commenters leaving racially tinged or controversial messages often not shared in public discourse. Internet users continue to hide behind the freedom of anonymity that has graced the Internet since it’s inception. However, according to a New York Times Article published in April, major online news publications are changing their comment policies to help keep opinions more civil.

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Slacker Radio Service Delivers Viruses

Slacker Radio Service

I’ve been a huge fan of Internet radio service Slacker since I first read about the service on Techcrunch back in 2007. Since that time the service has gone through some growing pains with their team moving away from hardware devices and dedicating all resources to their software on third-party devices. I can’t blame them since their G2 Hardware player isn’t very reliable and the mobile device market continues to grow.

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Please allow me to introduce myself…

A picture of “Benny Blanco from the Bronx” may have been more fitting since that’s usually the first question I get from fellow dudes that meet me. Have you ever seen that movie Carlito’s Way? Honestly, the first time I was asked was in 9th grade by a freshman football coach and it was awkward.

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